Last week the official launch of Lace Squared was moved to the 22nd August, however in its place Lace Squared hosted a special launch event at Bad Juju, with free fizz, free entry and free live music.
Speaking with Sam Allison, the brains behind Lace Squared, he said he wanted to create something amazing and unique that brought together Nottingham’s multi-cultural community. If the special launch was anything to go by then he definitely is on tracks for his vision.
After a slightly delayed start, the soulful Miss TASHA DEAN opened the night accompanied by BLESSING MAGORE. They played a mixture of original tracks and some smoothly remixed classics such as Bob Marley – Lights Down Low. Perhaps due to it kicking off early evening or the change of location but there was not so much of an audience at this stage, mostly just friends and family. However Miss Dean entertained the audience she did have, and showcased her original songs, Lets Make Peace, Answers and Chain to Me; which will be featured on her EP which is out soon.
Next up was the hauntingly beautiful RnB singer MONIQUE HENRY, sadly towards the beginning of her set there was a bit of a lull in the audience as a few had already left after Miss Dean had finished, but then the whole of Broad Street was spookily empty that evening, which was shame as it made it feel like an eternal sound check due to the lack of atmosphere at absolutely no fault to the artists.
This wasn’t the case for long though as Monique turned it around with her fab song choices including 2 great Smokey Robinson classics Tracks of my Tears & You Really got a Hold on Me. As Monqiue’s crystal clear tones carried out on to the street more and more people came to join the party, and that is exactly what it turned into a party. The party atmosphere was certainly enhanced by Bad Juju’s 2-4-1 cocktail offer and the place heated up when Zombies started getting order one after the other!
By 8:45 the place was buzzing as Blessing really lit the place up with his happy beats that people just couldn’t help but dance to, his unique style of eclectic acoustic reggae with an African influence just makes the body move. He has 2 upcoming gigs; 4th September at The Maze and 31st October is his EP launch at the Playhouse, ones to catch for sure.
Although this was a launch event, it was very casual, only the posters, badges and keyrings really told of the plan for Lace Squared. It was more of a party once it had warmed up, although I having a feeling that every weekend at Lace Squared it will have a great party atmosphere so don’t miss the actual launch this Friday 22nd August.
The official launch for Lace Squared will take place this Friday, 22 August, at Lace Market Square, for more information check out our Looking Ahead: Gigs of the week preview here
Review by Josie Opal
Photographs by Chris Patrick Photography