Review: Post surveillance art by Suzanne Treister

Looking up at the Primary gallery, it clicks all of a sudden, why Primary? A Victorian school house now converted into a creative community space housing a bakery, artist studios and my destination, the gallery.

As part of the Acting Out season Nottingham’s creative spaces come together in the exploration of artistic expression and mental health. I am curious about Suzanne Treister’s contribution.

A digital/new media artist has is showing work of the ‘Post Snowden era’ that we find ourselves in.

I am greeted by a collection of works vivid and vibrant as you could expect to see. The composition of the room made me think like someone had hacked my firewall and I was being bombarded by pop ups. The images have subtle layers to them, drawing you in and causing conversations and thoughts of the situations that inspired the work. Walking around there were discussions on censorship, drone strikes, drugs, whistle blowers and internet privacy amongst many others.

I would recommend seeing this exhibition as its subject touches everyone (unless you don’t use the internet or a phone which frankly is nobody) and I’d also recommend bringing a friend to talk about the themes expressed.

I really enjoyed the work and look forward to further shows from this very important subject matter. Speaking up about issues that governments and media moguls continually try to distract and detract us from, keeps a passive and weak workforce subservient. This must be important because if it wasn’t, why the cover it up in the first place?

For those who don’t know who Edward Snowden is, you are on the precipice of the rabbit hole, you can go ahead and jump in (there is a great TED talk he appeared on that is just a google search away) or stay ignorant to some real truth that happened, is happening and will go on as long as people stay dumb and compliant.
As the man himself said “The truth is coming and it cannot be stopped.”

Post-surveillance art is showing until 9th May with free entry.

For more information on the Acting Out season go to:

For more information on Primary:

Review by Adam Willis

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